Sterilisatieproject van start bij Animal Shelter Bonaire

29 januari 2014

Spandoeken op Bonaire voor een grootschalig sterilisatieproject van het lokale dierenasiel in deze Nederlandse gemeente. DierenLot draagt ook hier een steentje bij!

Een bericht vanaf het eiland:


In the year 2000 the Animal Shelter Bonaire established a Spay/Neuter Fund in response to the tremendous problem of pet overpopulation. The Fund's goal is to reduce overpopulation until there are no more homeless ...dogs and cats on the island.

Last year in 2013 we spayed/neutered about 450 cats and dogs. The owners did not have to pay for the surgery!
Despite increased public awareness about the need to spay and neuter pets, lots of pet owners on Bonaire still do not. In the most cases this is out of ignorance or believing that their pets won’t breed accidentally.

That's why the shelter starts a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering pets and its direct impact on overpopulation.
In collaboration with Dierenlot foundation